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Veterinary pharmacology and toxicology consulting service

Please note

  • If you have veterinary or animal-related questions, please consult your personal veterinarian first!
  • We can't give any advices about the treatment of ill animals via the Internet; a clinical examination is essential for diagnosis and therapy.
  • We don't sell veterinary drugs or veterinary products; if you have specific questions about a product, please ask the appropriate distributor and not us.
  • The Compendia (Veterinary Drugs, Veterinary Products & Feeds; texts in German) include all veterinary drugs approved in Switzerland plus some other veterinary products.
  • Some of our texts are only available in German or English; we will not provide translations to other languages.
  • All the email forms (see for link below) are available in English.
  • If you would like to contact a specific person of our team (CliniPharm/CliniTox), go to the phone numbers and email addresses; only for personal communications.

Email to the institute of veterinary pharmacology & toxicology

© {{ new Date().getFullYear() }} - Institut für Veterinärpharmakologie und ‑toxikologie

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